
For a client’s blog website I need to add a para automatically after each single post, found a snippet from Jeff Starr using a WordPress hook. Here’s how to do. add_filter('the_content', 'add_post_content') function add_post_content($content) { if(!is_single()) { $content .= '<p>YOUR CONTENT GOES HERE'</p>'; } return $content; } If you enjoyed and find helpful this article, please consider […]


So, since Genesis 1.6, and probably my favorite part of Genesis 1.6 is the theme support of genesis-structural-wraps. So now you can easily add wraps to the header, nav, subnav, inner, footer-widgets, and footer. If you’ve ever looked at the Visual Markup Guide for the Genesis Framework, you may have noticed that all of the main sections contain a […]


Sometimes I need to get footer outside of wrap. I tried to find out how can i do that in genesis child theme. This code I got first from Marco who got it from Daisy Olsen. // Reposition the footer remove_action(‘genesis_footer’, ‘genesis_footer_markup_open’, 5); remove_action(‘genesis_footer’, ‘genesis_do_footer’); remove_action(‘genesis_footer’, ‘genesis_footer_markup_close’, 15); add_action(‘genesis_after’, ‘genesis_footer_markup_open’, 5); add_action(‘genesis_after’, ‘genesis_do_footer’); add_action(‘genesis_after’, ‘genesis_footer_markup_close’, […]


Sometimes need to change the Genesis‘s default content on demand of client to show clients requirement (i.e. footer logo, remove back to top, credential change, add footer link).  NOTE: When writing your own code/filters, use a child theme. Do not write to the default functions.php file in Genesis. It will overwrite on updates. See below for codes […]


If you are using Genesis Theme Framework and would like to display Google Adsense or any advertisement code after the first post on the homepage, archives, and search results page, add the code below to the child theme’s functions.php file. add_action(‘genesis_after_post’, ‘aycchildthemes_ad_after_first_post’); function aycchildthemes_ad_after_first_post() { global $loop_counter; if (!is_singular() && $loop_counter == 0) { ?> […]