Entries by Guest Blogger


WordPress Plugins for Event Management

WordPress is a very useful tool for programmers, web designers and other people who are less familiar with creating websites. It’s becoming more and more popular due to its convenience and diversity of services. If you have a WordPress website, this article is just for you. It can give you an idea of how to […]

Key factors for planning your own online marketing strategies to generate online sale

In the past few years, the online marketing strategies have changed drastically. With the Panda and Penguin algorithm updates, most of the websites have lost their ranking. However, Google updates haven’t devastated all the online marketers. Those who practise white hat seo have not been affected like the marketers who employed black hat seo techniques. […]

7 Handy Presentation Apps Made for Your Mobile Devices

Today’s iPads and smartphones offer plenty of innovative ways to creating and make business presentations. If you are willing to branch out from the customer PowerPoint slides, a world of exciting new apps for your tablet or phone await. A little experimentation can lead to faster presentation creation and more interesting, effective presentation graphics – […]

How Quick Marketing Wins can Kill Your Website’s Traffic and How to Avoid It

A great man once said patience is the companion of wisdom; however, in today’s society, immediate gratification seems to rule the roost. These days, people tend to value quick, short-term results over lasting commitments that promote continued success. This wasteful principle has found its way into numerous facets of business, including the online marketing world, […]